How to Get Online 1996 Spring
Robert's File Server v1. folder
Robert's File Server v1.10
For Eudora 1.4.2
File server.txt
next >
Text File
152 lines
set pubdir to "Mac+:Fichiers:" -- the folder whare the files are
set indexFile to {alias "Mac+:Fichiers:00index.txt"} -- the files list
set inMailbox to "Entrée" -- the name of the incomming mailbox
set trashMailbox to "Reçus et traités" -- the name of the trash mailbox we want to use
set outMailbox to "Sortie" -- the name of the outgoing messages
set formsMailbox to "Modèles" -- the name of our forms mailbox
set sysop to "robert" -- who will get the Bcc of error reports if any
set returnPath to "" as string -- initialize
set myType to 2 -- 0 = AppleDouble, 2 = BinHex
tell application "Eudora F1.4.2"
-- If not using the default Eudora's Settings open it here
with timeout of 3600 seconds
-- get the messages from server
connect with check
-- do we have incomming messages?
set messageCount to (count mailbox named inMailbox of mail folder named "" ¬
each message)
if messageCount is not 0 then
-- so process them
set itemNumber to 1
repeat messageCount times
-- get the body of the message
set messageText to (field "" of message itemNumber ¬
of mailbox inMailbox of mail folder named "")
set mesageText to messageText as text
set lineCount to (count the paragraphs of messageText)
set lineTodo to 1
-- process each line
repeat lineCount times
set theLine to paragraph lineTodo of messageText
set wordCount to (count the words of theLine)
if wordCount is not 0 then
set myCommand to the first word of theLine
if (myCommand is "path") and (wordCount > 1) then
set returnPath to characters 6 thru (the ¬
length of theLine) of theLine as string
else if myCommand is "AppleDouble" then
set myType to 0
else if myCommand is "BinHex" then
set myType to 2
else if (myCommand is "help") ¬
or (myCommand is "aide") then
-- Instead of attaching a file, we get
-- the content of a saved message and paste
-- it into the reply.
reply message itemNumber of mailbox inMailbox ¬
of mail folder named "" without quotetext
if returnPath is not "" then
set field "To:" of message named "" to returnPath
end if
set the field "Subject:" of message named "" to myCommand
-- now get the body of the saved message
-- first locate the message itself
set foundForm to 1
repeat (count mailbox named formsMailbox ¬
of mail folder named "" each message) times
if the field "Subject:" of message foundForm ¬
of mailbox formsMailbox of mail folder "" ¬
contains myCommand then
exit repeat
set foundForm to foundForm + 1
end if
end repeat
-- get the body
set myForm to field "" ¬
of (message foundForm of ¬
mailbox named formsMailbox of mail folder "")
-- paste it
set the field "" of message named "" to myForm
-- send the message
queue message named ""
else if myCommand is "index" then
-- send the "00index.txt" file
reply message itemNumber of mailbox inMailbox ¬
of mail folder named "" without quotetext
if returnPath is not "" then
set field "To:" of message named "" to returnPath
end if
set the field "Subject:" of message named "" to "Index"
set the field "" of message named "" ¬
to ("This is the files list of our file server." ¬
& return & return ¬
& "To receive the help file, put the word «help»" ¬
& " in the body of your message." & return)
set AttachType of message named "" to myType
attach message named "" documentlist indexFile
queue message named ""
else if (myCommand is "send") and (wordCount > 1) then
-- send a file
reply message itemNumber of mailbox inMailbox ¬
of mail folder named "" without quotetext
if returnPath is not "" then
set field "To:" of message named "" to returnPath
end if
-- get the file name
set fName to characters 6 thru (the length of theLine) ¬
of theLine as string
set field "Subject:" of message named "" to fName
set the field "" of message named "" ¬
to "This is the file you requested." & return & return ¬
& "To receive the help file, put the word «help»" ¬
& " in the body of your message, to receive our files list, " ¬
& "put the word «index»." & return
-- try to attach the file
set AttachType of message named "" to myType
attach message named "" documentlist {alias (pubdir & fName)}
on error errorText
-- the file wasn't there???
set the field "" of message named "" ¬
to "Error while processing the «send» command for the file: «" ¬
& fName & "», probably because the file doesn't exists." & return ¬
& return & "To receive the help file, put the word «help»" ¬
& " in the body of your message, to receive our files list, " ¬
& "put the word «index»." & return & return ¬
& "The message returned by AppleScript: " & errorText & return
set the field "Bcc:" of message named "" to sysop
end try
queue message named ""
end if
end if
set lineTodo to lineTodo + 1
end repeat
-- re-initialize variables
set returnPath to "" as string
set myType to 2
set itemNumber to itemNumber + 1
end repeat
-- move messages to our trash mailbox
repeat messageCount times
move message 1 of mailbox inMailbox of mail folder named "" ¬
inserthere end of mailbox trashMailbox of mail folder named ""
end repeat
-- the same for sent messages
-- after sending them
set messageCount to (count mailbox named outMailbox ¬
of mail folder named "" each message)
if (messageCount > 0) then
connect with send
repeat messageCount times
move message 1 of mailbox outMailbox of mail folder named "" ¬
inserthere end of mailbox trashMailbox of mail folder named ""
end repeat
end if
end if
quit -- Bye
end timeout
end tell